I'm the first to admit that life around our little patch is not all sunshine and roses...theres' that whole misconception that just because two siblings are close in age that they'll automatically be best chums {which, in a fit of starry-eyed foolishness I bought into}. So yeah, our two Shinies fight a lot....less than they used to...but they do fight. I've come to the conclusion that it's a grand karmic punishment for my own wretched big sisterness...but that's a whole other navel-gazing session.
SO...when peace does reign in our house, 'tis a lovely thing.....
Of course, there's the ceremonial breaking of bread...which in this case are jam sandwiches -- all the rage around here of late, they just can't get enough of 'em....
Behold...the fruits of their labours.....{it's two horses attached to a cart, in case you couldn't tell}. Okay, so that was Savannah's contribution, Sebastian is all about building high towers. There were other constructions but they fell to ruin as part of some complex scenario involving dinosaurs and a remote-controlled tarantula taking over the world....
And what does the mama do when all is quiet and Zen? Why this....
Ah....sweet serenity....
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