An adventure down to the Lake - as suggested by Savannah for our Sunday Adventure...
Sure signs of spring:
A robin sighted by Nanna...some bulbs sprouting....
A lake carries you into recesses of feeling otherwise impenetrable ~ William Wordsworth
Braving the cooler weather, lakeside - at least we didn't need our hats and mitts...(thank you Nice Lady for offering to take our picture - at least now there's proof that I was there)

A tutorial on skipping stones...
A tutorial on skipping stones...
...apparently it's all in the crouch
Savannah prefers the 'Frisbee Method'....guaranteed to get a splash, everytime.

Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans ~ Jacques Cousteau

We decided to follow Sebastian's example and stop attempting to skip the stones and just picked bigger ones and hurled them in - a much more satisfying PLOP and splash. [Note: grasping of hoods by B...he didn't fancy having to jump in after them]

Some really cool, algae-covered rocks...

A perilous journey out onto the stepping stones...
A perilous journey out onto the stepping stones...
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountains and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books ~ John Lubbock

Then it was into the little cafe for some refreshments. Our usual chip place was closed so we had to take our business The Bite
Impressive that they have a real plant in here instead of the usual fake ones....
Confirmed as real by Savannah's schnozz....

Warning: Don't get the blue tastes awful. Fortunately, I brought some apple juice as a back-up.
Warning: Don't get the blue tastes awful. Fortunately, I brought some apple juice as a back-up.
Reclining after a long stone-tossing session...
Yes it is! *hug*