What it really means is... treasure hunting!
Its a great system of recycling...after all 'one man's junk is another man's treasure', right? Lots of scrap metal folk trawl around picking up bits of barbecues and old aluminum lawnchairs; and then there's the secondhand-stuff dealers sorting through the furniture and picture frames to overhaul. And then there's us - who grab our wagon and go wandering the streets in search of some lovely items. I was hoping to find a bookshelf for my ever-growing collection of books but...
Here you see a really cool chair and a shelf/table thing, a neat jar/bottle that Savannah picked up and a butterfly net. Missing from the photo is a container of wooden letter-blocks that Savannah scouted out and claimed....super cool!
We went back out later and found a small outside patio table...but that was it -- most of the piles had been picked over and only the 'real' junk was left for the landfill. How cool is that?