Monday, March 23, 2009

An offering accepted...

I spent some time yesterday de-cluttering a section of our kitchen. This particular section has a habit of becoming a dumping ground for Things With No Home and is in a perpetual state of disarray. Well, the time had come.

So I organized and tidied and Found Homes and cleared out a proper space for our Faery House - I imagine our house brownie was none too happy with the clutter around his front door....

So last night, in a gesture of appeasement..I left a drop of wine in our 'offering shell'....

I went to remove it this morning....(and to take these accompanying pictures)...and upon a closer examination of the shell....
You can see by the 'water line' that it was quite full......not so this morning. That'd be enough to get a brownie good and sloshed, don't you think?


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