Saturday, February 14, 2009

On the road since 10...

We had grand plans to document our very adventuresome day....

Starting with a hearty breakfast of Nanna 2's cheese pie...

Then we were off to meet Aunty Sarah and Mia for a puddle-jumping session. The only trouble was that it was a lot colder than we originally anticipated and all of the puddles were iced over....not to worry, there was still the raging stream we had spotted from the bus on Thursday...

Sebastian scales the wall.....

A lovely old willow down by the stream...which, fortunately, was still raging...

Savannah discovers a bridge across the stream....
Here's where the batteries died on the camera. I missed some great shots of our further adventures including the rest of our trek, lunch at Aunty Sarah's, a bus ride to the chiropractor and then to Nanna and Granda's. Sebastian did a face-plant into a mud-puddle at the second bus stop that was very photo-worthy....I suppose I could snap a pic of the muddied napkins balled up at the bottom of our backpack....


  1. Those cheese pies look delicious and lve those gnarly trees..

  2. They ARE delicious!! I was thinking of you when I snapped the pics of the gnarly trees....whenever I see a gnarly tree now I think to myself..Siobhan would like those...:)


~~Thank you for taking the time to share in our madness...please, if the mood takes you, leave your thoughts here:~~