Sunday, January 11, 2009

Vegan cookies and the macro setting...

First of all...a big thank you to Miss Daisy and her reference to the macro setting on her finally clued me in as to what its for (duh!!) and now I can take lovely close-ups with my zoom without them being blurry.....I suppose I could have read the instructions but....:)
We wanted to make cookies this morning...but then realized that I'd used the last of our eggs to make Sebastian's french toast. B was still out getting the shopping in so...we had two choices. Wait or...improvise. We fired up ye trusty ol' computer and searched for vegan cookie recipes..learning what 'vegan' meant as we went...

Presenting....vegan oatmeal-raisin cookies...(with several further improvisations - omitting the white sugar portion and substituting whole wheat flour - we're just oozing health today).

I only had whole cloves so Savannah got to work with the mortar and pestle.
"I'm good at squashing things,"she confides as she bashes away.

A very nice pile of 'squashed' cloves... close enough to a teaspoon for this renegade baker...

Shaping the dough....squishing it between your fingers is the best part


Tucking in to the final product.....yummy delish with the added bonus of being healthy too...

One final shot with my new-found setting...munching up-close...

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