Saturday, January 3, 2009


Pictures by the birthday girl...on her birthday...

Self-portrait over arm of couch (there are a LOT of self-portraits - I liked this one because she seems pensive...she had some concerns over turning 6 - like would she not be able to ride in the wagon anymore or climb up the cat tree)

oops...forgot to fix the red-eye....waiting in anticipation at her favourite restaurant...(I took that one)

Another self-portrait..this time of all of us...(well, those of us in attendance anyway - Sebastian was at Nanna's, not being fond of public dining..)

Hmmmm....somewhat it the sheer fabulousness of all those desserts...OR....

The lovely ladies of Kelsey's clapping and singing in a birthday chorus....(I took these ones too)


~~Thank you for taking the time to share in our madness...please, if the mood takes you, leave your thoughts here:~~