Monday, October 13, 2008

RBG Part One - Earth Art...

Ah, so we just made the most wonderful trip to the Royal Botanical Gardens. Wonderful in so many ways, I've split the posts into three groups.

Today was the last day of the Earth Art exhibition....and I really wanted to see, with the promise of neat stuff and a hike through the woods, we went.

What a tremendous experience. Hard to describe actually. But I'll try with the pictures...

Here's Savannah standing with one of the installations - entitled:
V=B0 + B1 *D< B4 *H< B5 by: Neville Gabie
(the < are supposed to be pointing up but I can't find that key on my keyboard)
Its apparently the mathematical equation used by foresters to calculate the cubic volume of wood in a tree by measuring its girth and height while it is still standing. This piece was made from the remains of an oak tree that was killed by gypsy moths. The artist reassembled every last piece of the tree in cube form beside the stump that was left. Breathtaking in both its beauty and symbolism.

Here's B and the kids sitting inside 'Shelter' by Arthur de Mowbray. A truly cool seating area, that I believe will become a permanent part of the Hendrie garden.

Not part of the Earth Art exhibit, but one of the many wonderful sculptures scattered around one of the main Gardens.
(excuse the fingers in the left-hand corner) This is "Reflections Flowing" by Roy Staab. Made of reeds and saplings that were culled as invasive vegetation, it stands in the middle of a section of Grindstone Creek.

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