Someone in the neighbourhood had cut down a tree and left the stumps of trunk curbside..presumably for folks to scavenge. The only down-side to that....after making enquiries to all likely parties, it seems we don't know anyone with a chainsaw to transform aforementioned logs into 'slices". So I set about digging the garden part and will leave the rest to the Universe.
B brought back some of the stumps which became part of our Circle...a place for the kids to sit and play and chat and rest....
The 'Garden' part...hopefully to eventually become a habitat for the birds...the kids and I went down to the local garden centre and 'rescued' a few sad-looking evergreens from the 'Reduced to clear' rack...the jury is still out on whether the globe cedar will survive but we're doing all we can to help it along...
You can see the outline for the path....the nature of which is as yet to be determined...Oh yeah, and it just rained.
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